Termites have the ability to wreak havoc on a building so, if someone has told you there are termites on your property, you may well be worried and want to get the problem fixed immediately. Sadly though, some less than honest tradespeople may use your concerns as a way of making you spend a fortune on something that you may not need. With this in mind, here are a few tips to help ensure you get an honest termite assessment:

First of all, be wary if someone approaches you and offers a free termite inspection. Very often, they will find a problem that they will want to charge a lot to have fixed, or they will greatly exaggerate their findings. In cases where a homeowner is told that they have a bad termite problem and that the remedy will be very expensive, it may be best to seek another opinion from other companies in the area. This will enable you to compare their services and prices and help you to determine whether or not you were being told the truth about the severity of the issue. If in the end, you decide to have the treatment done, it’s important to have a written, signed contract which states how long the treatment is guaranteed.

Not all homeowners are going to be specialists at identifying the presence of termites, but it is helpful to learn how to recognize some of the signs, then, if you are told your home has termites, you can ask to see the evidence for yourself. Termites tend to form lines of mud or soil; you may even observe areas of hollowed-out wood along the grain. If you are shown this type of damage on your property such as on fencing or a woodpile, etc. but not the house itself, there is not too much cause for concern.

Not every tradesperson is out to con you out of your hard-earned cash, in fact, there are many honest workers out there. These brief suggestions are simply designed to help you recognize those who are not.

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