When looking at houses to purchase you may wonder whether a home that has been previously damaged in a fire is a good investment. This is a good question to ask because a lot will depend on the extent of the damage and how thoroughly and quickly the damage was taken care of. Here are some of the problems that you could encounter with a fire damaged property:

The ill-effects of a fire can last long after the fire itself has been put out. For example, it can leave behind some very toxic and hazardous substances. Smoke damage is another major problem and even in the case of a smaller, contained fire, it can still fill the entire home with smoke creating an extremely harmful environment. If this has not been properly cleaned up after the fire, these substances can still be present in the home.

Water damage is another major cause of long-term problems with a fire-damaged home. Huge amounts of water are generally used to put out fires. Again, if this is not treated correctly, can have many long-term effects and lead to issues such as mold.

To ensure that a fire-damaged property is a wise investment you will need to have it thoroughly inspected by a qualified, experienced home inspector. A walk through of the home will not necessarily reveal its true condition, but a home inspection will provide you with a complete assessment.

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